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  3. Reliable power supplement [Power Maka 3600] Renewal release with increased amount of Maka extract!
2018/4/17 Products Individual Customers Corporate Customers

Reliable power supplement [Power Maka 3600] Renewal release with increased amount of Maka extract!

Itoh Power Maca Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Higashi-Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, President: Tatsuo Ito), which manufactures and sells health foods, pharmaceuticals, and non-pharmaceutical products, has been used by many people since its launch. [Power Maca 3000] will be released on April 20, 3600 (Monday) as a renewal product [Power Maca 1] containing Maca 2mg (raw conversion, standard daily amount per 3600 tablets), which is a 2018% increase in maca extract.

[Power Maca 3600] has a total of 1 maca 2mg (raw equivalent), arginine 3600mg, suppon, black garlic, royal jelly, Cordyceps sinensis (mycelium), ginseng, oysters, canca, and D-ribose per 10 tablets per day. It is a supplement that contains various powerful ingredients and should be incorporated into everyday life with unwavering confidence and vitality.

In addition, in this renewal, "the amount of main ingredients", "price", and "contents" are overwhelmingly the most important points when purchasing the customer satisfaction survey (see the graph below) of the previous product [Power Maca 3000]. We have increased the amount of maca, which is the main ingredient (20% increase), and the price is the same as the conventional product.You can use it as a power supplement that you can easily rely on.
Bottom graph: From the "Power Maka 2012" and "Power Maka 5 Value" customer satisfaction surveys conducted from May 10, 2015 to October 10, 26 (n = 3000)

【Product Summary】

Product name:Power Maca 3600 20 days
Internal capacity:40 tablets (1 tablets per day: 2 days' worth)
Suggested retail price:1,400 yen (excluding tax) / 1,512 yen (tax included)
name:Foods containing maca extract and arginine
Formulation (per 1 tablets per day):Maca 3600mg (raw equivalent) / Arginine 10mg
Release date:2018/ 4/ 16
shape:Hard capsule
Sales outlet:Nationwide drug stores
Product HP:


Product name:Power Maca 3600 60 days
Internal capacity:120 tablets (1 tablets per day: 2 days' worth)
Suggested retail price:3,600 yen (excluding tax) / 3,888 yen (tax included)
name:Foods containing maca extract and arginine
Formulation (per 1 tablets per day):Maca 3600mg (raw equivalent) / Arginine 10mg
Release date:2018/ 4/ 16
shape:Hard capsule
Sales outlet:Nationwide drug stores
Product HP:



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