Products Cosmetics, hygiene products, bath salts(9 products) A patented deodorizing powder that focuses on the unpleasant odors caused by sweaty and stuffy feet. Cleasist Focus on foot sweat and foot stuffiness!Just sprinkle it on your shoes and put it on. Deodorant for foot odor * Powder Cleasist Sweat A feeling of use that is not sticky and soaks quickly.Moisturizes and protects the skin Pure horse oil A mouthpiece cleaner with a sterilization rate of 99.9% that contains silver ions, IPMP and enzymes. Dent Wash Dental Mouthpiece Cleaning Agent A retainer cleaner with a sterilization rate of 99.9% that contains silver ions, IPMP and enzymes. Dent wash retainer cleaner A denture cleaner with a sterilization rate of 99.9% that contains silver ions and enzymes. Dent Fresh W sterilization ingredient combination!A denture cleaner that can be cleaned smoothly and comfortably Dent Fresh EX A family-friendly bathing agent that envelops your skin with the scent of the forest and royal jelly extract. Bus celebrity forest A bathing agent that can be used by the whole family that wraps the skin with the scent of yuzu and royal jelly extract. Bus celebrity Yuzu Find a product Categories Diet & beauty healthy Sweeteners Healthy drink healthy tea Cosmetics, hygiene products, bath salts Medicine Overseas Search by material Placenta collagen hyaluronic acid Green juice Ginger Fermented plant extract blueberry Turmeric Maca Fish oil (DHA / EPA) vinegar vitamin mineral